Friday, March 13, 2009

Resident Evil 5

Resident Evil has been released. It's going one of the hottest games of the year and everyone at the office is super psyched about. The game is filled with amazing monsters and crazy costumes. The reviews have been amazing, and while I don't usually love video games. From what I can tell the action, story and outfits are worth the play.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Oscar Pages Woo-hoo!

It's Oscar season and Mahalo has made some amazing Oscar pages to fit all your Oscar needs. Check them out. My team did an amazing job!

Monday, June 11, 2007

Sopranos Fans Flip

Last night was "The Sopranos" season finale. There aren't any spoilers in the post, but there may be in the links, so if you haven't seen the episode (I understand, I watched the Tonys too) be careful as you read on.

The ending made audiences so enraged that they flooded HBO's website with comments and complaints. And, according to "Deadline Hollywood Daily's" Nikkie Finke, many long time subscribers whacked their cable bill and canceled their HBO. See her review here. LINK

Through all the years of guns, infidelity, and bloodshed, "The Sopranos" has left its mark on more than just television fans. has an interesting take on "The Sopranos" bloody glove it left behind. In this morning's website, they link important moves in the plot with ground breaking developments in the tech world. Here's the LINK. . But you didn't hear it from me.

SFX: Gun Shot.

Cut To: Credits.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

You're Mad As What?

This week Isaiah Washington was not asked back for another season of "Grey's Anatomy". Whether it's not asked back, his contract was not re-upped, or was allowed to pursue more creative endeavors, Mr. Washington was fired. But does that give him the right to steal lines from a classic movie? He was quoted saying "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore." LINK

Is it right that his views make him unemployable? Is the network playing fair? According to Nikki Finke it's not. LINK

Maybe he can work on "Grey's" producer Mark Gordon's new show "Army Wives". According to "The Hollywood Reporter" the show's premiere on June 3rd, was the highest rated series premiere in Lifetime's history. This signals a major comeback for stars Catherine Bell and Kim Delaney. Kim had her own public relations fiasco in 2002 when she was arrested for drunken driving. See a surprsingly flattering mug shot HERE.